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Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe: Features, Benefits, Installation, and Alternatives

Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe Download

If you are working with Cadence Allegro PCB design software, you may need to extract and share specific data from your design database with other stakeholders or experts. For example, you may want to send a report of the netlist, components, vias, or layers to your manufacturer or your verification team. How can you do that easily and efficiently?

Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe Download

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One solution is to use Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe, a utility that reads a binary representation of layout files and translates the data into an ASCII file format. This utility is available both on Windows and Linux platforms and can be downloaded from Cadence website. In this article, we will explain what Extracta is, what are its features and benefits, how to install and use it, and what are some alternatives to it.

What is Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe and what does it do?

Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe is a utility that reads a binary representation of layout files (*.brd, *.mcm, and *.sip) created by Allegro PCB Editor, Allegro Package Designer, or Allegro PCB SI technology and translates the data into an ASCII file format (*.txt, *.rpt, or *.htm). The ASCII file contains required database information that can be formatted and sorted before you send it out for analysis or review.

Extracta is a command-line utility that can be run from the command prompt or from the layout editor command window. It uses a command file (*.txt) that specifies the data fields and selection criteria for data values you want to extract from the layout design database. This file is called a view. You can write your own command file manually in any text editor or generate it through extract UI, a graphical user interface that helps you create views.

By using the automated data retrieval capability of Extracta, you can extract specific data from Allegro design databases without opening the layout files or loading them into memory. This saves time and resources and allows you to share relevant data with respective stakeholders and experts from various domains.

What are the features and benefits of Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe?

Extracta has several features and benefits that make it a useful tool for data extraction and sharing. Some of them are:

  • It supports multiple views in a single command file. You can use multiple END records in a single command file to extract different types of data from the same layout file.

  • It supports multiple record types in a single view. You can use different record types in a single view to extract different attributes of the same data type. For example, you can use NET record type to extract net names, net classes, net lengths, etc.

  • It supports various output formats. You can choose between text (*.txt), report (*.rpt), or HTML (*.htm) formats for your output file. The HTML format allows you to view the extracted data in a web browser with hyperlinks and color coding.

  • It supports various sorting options. You can sort the extracted data by ascending or descending order, by alphabetical order, by numerical order, or by user-defined order.

  • It supports various filtering options. You can filter the extracted data by using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), comparison operators (=, , , =), wildcards (*, ?), or regular expressions.

  • It supports various formatting options. You can format the extracted data by using field separators (comma, tab, space), field delimiters (quotes), field widths, decimal places, etc.

It supports various customization options. You can customize Extracta by using various options and parameters in the command file or the extract UI. For example, you can use the -c option to specify a configuration file that contains user-defined settings for the output file, such as fonts, colors, headers, footers, etc. You can also use the -d option to specify a directory for the output file. You can find more details about the command-line options and parameters in the Extracta User Guide. Another way to customize Extracta is to use SKILL code, which is a scripting language that allows you to automate tasks and extend the functionality of Cadence tools. You can write your own SKILL functions or use the predefined ones to manipulate the data extracted by Extracta. For example, you can use the axlExtracta function to run Extracta from within a SKILL program. You can also use the axlExtractaGetView function to get the view name from an extract command file. You can find more details about the SKILL functions for Extracta in the Allegro PCB Editor SKILL Reference. How to download and install Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe?

To download and install Extracta on your Windows or Linux platform, you need to have a valid Cadence account and license. You can follow these steps:

  • Go to [Cadence Downloads](^1^) and log in with your credentials.

  • Select Allegro PCB Editor from the Product Family list and choose the version that matches your layout software.

  • Download the appropriate installation package for your platform (Windows or Linux) and save it to your local drive.

  • Run the installation package and follow the instructions on the screen. You may need to enter your license information during the installation process.

  • Verify that Extracta is installed correctly by running it from the command prompt or from the layout editor command window.

If you encounter any issues during the installation or usage of Extracta, you can contact Cadence Customer Support for assistance.

How to configure the Path System Environment Variable for Extracta?

To run Extracta from the command prompt or from the layout editor command window, you need to configure the Path System Environment Variable on your machine. This variable tells your system where to find Extracta and its associated files. To configure this variable, you need to follow these steps:

  • Locate the directory where Extracta is installed on your machine. For example, C:\Cadence\SPB_17.4\tools\extract\bin.

  • Right-click on This PC (or My Computer) and select Properties.

  • Click on Advanced system settings in the left panel.

  • Click on Environment Variables in the System Properties dialog box.

  • Select Path in the System Variables section and click on Edit.

  • Click on New in the Edit environment variable dialog box and add the directory path of Extracta (e.g., C:\Cadence\SPB_17.4\tools\extract\bin).

  • Click on OK to save the changes and close all dialog boxes.

Now you should be able to run Extracta from any location on your machine by typing extracta followed by the required arguments.

What are some alternatives to Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe?

If you do not have access to Extracta or you want to try other methods of translating Allegro binary files to ASCII files, you can use some alternatives that are available in Allegro PCB Editor or other PCB design software. Some of them are:

  • The Export ASCII command in Allegro PCB Editor. This command allows you to export all or selected data from a layout file into an ASCII file that can be imported into other tools or applications. You can access this command from File Export ASCII menu or by typing export ascii in the command window. You can specify various options and parameters for the export process, such as output file name, format, units, precision, etc.

  • The Import ASCII command in Allegro PCB Editor. This command allows you to import an ASCII file that contains layout data into a new or existing layout file. You can access this command from File Import ASCII menu or by typing import ascii in the command window. You can specify various options and parameters for the import process, such as input file name, format, units, precision, etc.

  • The Import Wizard in Altium Designer. This wizard allows you to import Allegro binary files (*.brd) or ASCII files (*.alg) into Altium Designer projects. You can access this wizard from File Import Wizard menu or by clicking on Import Wizard icon in the toolbar. You can follow the steps of the wizard to select the input file, the output project, the design rules, the layer mapping, the component mapping, etc. You can also preview the imported data before finalizing the import process.

  • The Export Wizard in Altium Designer. This wizard allows you to export Altium Designer projects into Allegro binary files (*.brd) or ASCII files (*.alg). You can access this wizard from File Export Wizard menu or by clicking on Export Wizard icon in the toolbar. You can follow the steps of the wizard to select the input project, the output file, the design rules, the layer mapping, the component mapping, etc. You can also preview the exported data before finalizing the export process.

These alternatives may have some limitations or differences compared to Extracta in terms of data accuracy, compatibility, or functionality. Therefore, you should always check the results of the translation process and verify that the data is correct and complete before using it for further analysis or review.


Cadence Allegro Extracta Exe is a utility that allows you to extract and share specific data from Allegro layout design databases without opening the layout files or loading them into memory. It can translate binary files into ASCII files that can be formatted, sorted, filtered, and customized according to your needs. It can also be integrated with SKILL code to automate tasks and extend functionality. Extracta is available for both Windows and Linux platforms and can be downloaded and installed from Cadence website.

If you want to learn more about Extracta and how to use it effectively, you can visit [Cadence website] and access various resources, such as user guides, tutorials, videos, forums, etc. You can also contact Cadence Customer Support for any questions or issues related to Extracta.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Extracta:

  • Q: What are the system requirements for Extracta? A: Extracta requires a Windows or Linux platform that matches your Allegro layout software version. It also requires a valid Cadence account and license.

  • Q: How can I create a view for Extracta? A: You can create a view manually by writing a command file in any text editor or automatically by using extract UI, a graphical user interface that helps you create views.

  • Q: How can I run Extracta from Allegro PCB Editor? A: You can run Extracta from Allegro PCB Editor by typing extracta followed by the required arguments in the command window. You can also use SKILL code to run Extracta from within a SKILL program.

  • Q: How can I view the output file generated by Extracta? A: You can view the output file generated by Extracta in any text editor, web browser, or application that supports ASCII file formats. You can also use SKILL code to manipulate the output file data.

  • Q: How can I troubleshoot errors or warnings generated by Extracta? A: You can troubleshoot errors or warnings generated by Extracta by checking the log file that contains detailed information about the extraction process. You can also contact Cadence Customer Support for assistance.



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